Who are we? We are a community of secondary educators implementing Response to Intervention in middle school and high school settings. Why are we here? I don't know about your Google search history, but this is what happens to me... Don't get me wrong; we all know the basics. RTI is this federally mandated initiative at all grade levels. So there ain't no party like a response to intervention party because a response to intervention party is mandatory . But how do we actually DO it in the complicated environment of secondary education? The rules and regulations, the paperwork, the meetings, scheduling - all of it quickly becomes Sisyphean, especially in the secondary setting where we are dealing with an extremely high number of students, in larger and larger classroom settings, with a huge range of both skill and will. Secondary educators - we need HELP. And what sort of help are we actually getting? Are you tired of hearing intervention strategies that sou...
Talking about how to increase student success since 2006 - talking on the internet since 2017